05-05-2017 23:00 Live Gratis Bekijk op Facebook

With loyal followings on two continents, “Chicago” Mike Beck’s ecstatic live performances and eclectic 1,000 song repertoire have carried him through two decades and tens of thousands of miles of travel in North America and Europe. Whether performing solo, with his acoustic trio Big Eyed Beans From Venus, or with his European rock ensemble Big Eyed Beans From Fryslân, Mike delivers hundreds of high-energy performances each year. He dedicates several months to the festivals, cafés and theatres of Europe, while continuing to build his audience in North America with frequent nightclub and festival appearances.

Mike’s CD premiered in August 2003 and has garnered ardent reviews and airplay on radio stations throughout the USA, Europe and Japan. Musicians appearing on the CD include members of his USA and European Big Eyed Beans bands, as well as harmonica virtuoso Howard Levy, blues guitar great Larry McCray, and folk diva Nora O’Connor. Mike has performed live on both radio and television, and during the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics, NBC’s Amy Jacobson produced a feature segment about Mike and his music which aired on the final Friday of the Olympics.

Born in Los Angeles but inveigled at a tender age to Chicago’s suburbs, Mike immersed himself in the Windy City’s musical wealth, exploring its rich legacy of blues, jazz, gospel, soul and rock. Following a two year pilgrimage to New Orleans in his late teens, Mike returned to Illinois, this time landing in the Southern end of the state, just North of Kentucky. Here, he further honed his aggressive acoustic guitar style, fusing bluegrass elements gleaned from so many of the talented pickers he found in Southern Illinois. Seven years in the wilds of Utah followed three years living in the Blues Mecca of Chicago’s North side. When he’s not recording and performing throughout the USA and abroad, Mike now resides just outside of Chicago.

Possessing a passionate voice and dynamic stage presence, Mike’s performances include forays into rock, soul, blues and country, including compelling originals, classic rock favorites, stirring soul standards, and guilty pleasures.

At Mike’s web site – http://www.mikebeck.us – you’ll find an up-to-date tour itinerary, MP3s, and photos from recording sessions and live performances.

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