15-02-2020 22:00 Live Gratis Bekijk op Facebook

DIGGETH Grab your Lynyrd Skynyrd, Black Sabbath & Metallica albums, blend them and enjoy the result: DIGGETH

This kick ass 3-piece band does give a complete new meaning to “Metal-‘n-Roll” with their brand new album Gringos Galacticos. The explosive mix of different genres results in an impressive “bleep” in your ears and smile from ear to ear.

The east part of Holland (Achterhoek) has a fine soil for guitar bands, the tale goes that the water there contains traces of Blues, Rock-’n- Roll and Heavy Guitar Rock.

To deliver more than a great show, it takes hard labour, practice and experience. The “beard-men” of Diggeth do understand that basic fact very well, they toured and played from 2004 up to the present, all over Europe, leaving an astonished audience behind.

Intense touring brought them opening slots to a fine selection of respectable bands such as: Michael Schenker, Exodus, Megadeth, Slayer, Karma To Burn, Soulfly, Sacred Reich and just recently, for Motörhead’s Phill Campbell And His Bastard Sons.

Between all this live exposure the band worked on their 3rd full-length album, entitled Gringos Galacticos, which will be released February 1st 2019 on Pt78 Records. A first taste are Worship The Sun and the most recent single; Keep On Diggin’, both accompanied by stunning, artistic videoclips. These songs will literally lift you from this planet. Diggeth is ready to bring this live experience to you! But the real question is, are you ready?

AUDIOGRINDER AudioGrinder is een rock band uit Arnhem en omgeving. Hun muziek wordt beïnvloed door hardrock, punk en garagerock. De lineup is eenvoudig; stevige drumbeats, strakke gitaarriffs en pompende bas. Stevige gitaargeluiden die het ene moment naar hardrock neigen en het andere moment rommelige garage/punk, de gemene deler… rauw en noisy.

De bandleden speelden in een hele reeks bands als Indium, Coldfire, Viva Rosa, Bunker en Fabulous Fords.

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Vr., Za. en Zo.
16:00 - 04:00
15:00 - 04:00

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